Smell Your Minds

room installation with projection and sound, size flexible, 2021, Städtische Galerie Bremen, Bremen, Germany



This is a space installation that allows the audience to have an immersive experience. The audience will hear paragraphs of descriptions of different smells. These seemingly ordinary objects that frequently appear in daily life actually are all having significant smells. When you are sensitive enough, you could recall their smells even when you just hear their names.

With comfortable viewing space, hypnotic reading, slow gradual color projection, and infinitely extending mirror space, the audience can enter a state of meditation and personally restore a specific smell, not through the nose, but through the brain , through imagination.

The sense of smell is one of the essential sensory experiences for humans and most mammals. The sense of smell is strongly related to our emotions and memories. It is written in our genes. We don’t even need to learn that foods that emit rotten odors are something we avoid. Stinky smells make us feel disgusted. And we drool when we smell lemons. In fact, the brain itself is also cunning, sometimes it will fabricate information to deceive our body.

Daniel Dennett’s views on consciousness and free will gave me a lot of inspiration. Does free will really exist? Can we actively influence the brain to control our body and mind? Where is our consciousness?
In his book Consciousness Explained, he brought up the term “Cartesian theater,” which I tried to bring into the installation. I guess this what artists usually do: bring an abstract idea to reality.

Based on my great interest in language, I will use reading text as the core part to present in this project. By providing participants with a scene to experience how the brain can deceive us, I will use reading aloud to influence the participants’ sense of smell, not by showing the real things. This is also inspired by the language used in Hypnotism.

I hope to provide a space for the audience to perceive their own olfactory experience and enter a state of meditation.



Daniel Dennett 关于意识和自由意志的观点给了我很多启发。自由意志真的存在吗?我们能否主动影响大脑来控制我们的身心?我们的意识到底在哪里?在他的《意识解释》一书中,他提出了“笛卡尔剧场”这个词,他模拟了以往人们是如何试图描述自我意识的:似乎大脑里里有一个小剧场,有一个或几个主角在向我们的身体发号施令。但实际上这些剧场又只是人类的想象之物。





©Franziska van den Driesch

©Franziska van den Driesch

©Franziska van den Driesch


380-450nm 紫


Mienophone 表情声音