fotos overpainted stop motion, 2014
UO 04 (I Know)
UO 0004 (The Rain)
UO 004 (The Fan)
UO 00004 (The Wind)
UO is an abbreviation for “Unidentified Object”. The UO series consists of several science fiction works that the artist dreamt of as a 6-year-old and continues to fantasize about since.
The artist grew up in a metropolis and nature has always been far away and unfamiliar to her. Every time she drove by peaceful fields, she hoped that some unknown and mysterious thing would show up and destroy the boring beauty, just as she felt like destroying her own boring life. All the landscape shots were from some indefinite locations, just as vague as the Unidentified Objects.
She took shots of landscapes and made them up with different materials, transformed into different medias- photos, videos, sound and installations, as some reports of a fictional research of those unidentified objects. The artist was fascinated by a documentary way of working because it could show the context of her work through narrative, and for her, work on this series is also as a research of her own artistic language experiment.
UO 是不明物体的缩写。 UO 系列作品 是一个虚构科学实验的系列作品。一 切都源于艺术家六岁那年一个简单的关于外星人的梦。从此,她总对神秘的,未知的事物充满了好奇与幻想。
艺术家在城市中长大,大自然对她来说一直遥远和陌生的存在,对大自然的理解大部分之来源电视屏幕中。 在来到德国后,她发现这里的人们和自然的距离似乎并不远。但被修剪过的田野和树林似乎有充满了人工的无聊感。 每当她经过一些空旷的田野时,她都希望它能以一些未知而神秘的事物的出现,以摧毁那些无聊的东西,就像能摧毁自己无聊的生活一样。所有的风景照都来自随机的纪录,就像“不明物体” 一样身份模糊。
她纪录了这些生活中随机出现的田野, 通过照片,视频,声音和装置,构成 了一组对那些不明物体的虚构研究的报告。艺术家对这种实验记录的工作方式着迷,因为它可以从叙事的方式展示这个系列作品,对她来说,这个系列作品也是对她自己的实验化艺术语言的研究。