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clip of Once I showed you what I want

Once I showed you what I want

Video, 7'22'', HD, 2021



In "once I showed you what I want," Zhé deconstructed the performances, images, and emotions of actors in movies by reinterpreting the close-ups of performers in old movies. Emotions are expressed through facial expressions, often in a moment, but at this moment, tens of thousands of facial nerves drive muscles to move together, just like a feast. Sometimes the emotions expressed by people are also extremely complex, such as self-deprecating laughter under extreme sadness. Can AI read such complex emotions instead of just telling us that this expression is 99.9% happy?

在“我曾告诉过你我要什么” 视频中,王哲通过对老电影中表演者特写的重新解读,对电影中的表演,图像,演员的情绪进行了解构。情绪通过表情展现出来,往往就是一瞬间的事情,但在这一瞬间中,面部几万个神经带动肌肉一起活动,就好像一场盛宴。有时候人们表达的情绪也是极其复杂的,比如极度悲伤下自嘲式的大笑。那么未来,AI是否能读出这种复杂的情绪,而不是只告诉我们这个表情是99.9%的快乐。

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Screenshot of Once I showed you what I want

Screenshot of Once I showed you what I want


Let's laugh together 一起笑


Journey to the West, and back, and back... 西游,回来,回去。。。